Friday, December 09, 2005

MR Movie reviews: Dreamer

Mr. Movie reviews:  The Prize Winner of Defiance Ohio

Okay nine times better than it sounds.  Holy dropped the marketing ball batman, this one came and went.  I hope it’s out there somewhere for a Christmas weepie for someone who needs it.  Certainly a nomination for best adapted screenplay is in the making. This movie opened September of 2005, and is not on DVD yet.  Man, you’d think the company would try and get behind something this good.  This is a red state movie.  If you are all fired up about wanting good family entertainment, here it is. Please come get it. Those damn jane fonda lovin liberals dropped this like a steaming bag of dog poop, you can rescue it.

If you haven’t seen the film it’s about a woman who saves her family from ruin by winning jingle competitions throughout the fifties and early sixties.  The characters strength that brings this family and all these individuals through is enviable.  It could be considered ironic that now her memory continues to supply financial sustenance to this family. Julianne Moore is charming in this role; her character has more wasted class than the Learning Annex.

There is loads of fun in this movie reading this fifties family in our perfected hindsight. And if like me, you are a manly man that enjoys an honestly wrung sentimental tear, you will enjoy those tears shed for “The Prize Winner of Defiance Ohio.”    

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