Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Mr. Movie reviews: King Kong

Wifey cried. It's a good tent pole product, and a popcorn movie that could have cleaned up for a whole summer. I think waiting for Oscar positioning, or timing release for Oscar positioning was a big mistake for shareholders. Did you really think people would forget about this one by Oscar time? Well at least this will wipe Harry Potter off whatever screens it is still on.

Much has been made of Jacksons obsession with the original, and it shows in this over long re-make. Now obviously this is better than the original, and a very good film, but I can still complain. There are some points, where they seem to show the same action over and over again, Kong on the mountain top when he first takes Beauty up to the top. We keep seeing what begins to look like a loop of Kong smashing about, albeit exhibiting wonderfully natural, chimpanzee behaviors.

One thing that they do in the film that is part of the classic is openly play with the size of Kong. If I get a chance to ask Mr. Jackson about this point I will be very grateful. There is a shot at the end where he is smaller, as if he shrinks in death. He also kind of adjusts to fight the Dinosaurs.

I think a lot of people will see this movie twice, there is a lot to see in it. Maybe someone will make a phantom cut of the movie and get rid of the Jimmy storyline, stay in school kids.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mr. and Mrs. M,

Thanks for the great review. I too loved the movie but wish that it had been cut a bit. I was disappointed to miss the original when it played at the Egyptian before Christmas....I'd very much like to see it on the big screen.

Can you believe how good Naomi Watts was in KK? She's really pretty amazing....That audition scene in Mulholland Drive was brilliant and creepy.

Look forward to more reviews,

Tim D